Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to Make a Child Leash

Happy Easter everyone! (All three of you!) This weekend we're up at my parents' place, hanging out and watching the same exact Mecum Car Auction show that we watched last night. As I have several built-in-baby-holders for a couple of days, I should be able to get online in peace for awhile.

So I was online trying to find some blogs about sewing a child's toolbelt (yay, I have thrifted almost all the kids tool toys I need!), when I ran across a tutorial on how to make a child leash. Hmmm. I'm not sure I feel about this one. Joel's not mobile yet so maybe my tune will change next year, however it just doesn't feel right to me. Although on the other hand, I do have the tendency to want to call him "Licorice" (my deceased pet rabbit's name). I also keep catching myself almost saying things like, "Not now, Joel. You just ate; now it's the humans' turn to eat. Mommy and Daddy are hungry too!" (as if he isn't human). I think Joel is going to grow up and have a complex.

So what do you think about toddler leashes? Yay or Nay? Do you think it would be a good idea to get a bunch of ladies together and pump a bunch of these out? You know how there's knitting and quilting groups to make little hats and blankets to send to people in need? Well I could start a group of lady-leash-makers, and we could pass them to out to mommies in need. You know the type, right? They let their kids run wild, terrorizing grocery store shoppers.

Um, maybe we better not.


  1. Yes, I am pro child leashes! But mainly until they are big enough to learn to stay by the parents side in public. So for the first few years of their life after walking starts, leashes are a good idea :)

    And before anyone says anything about it... My parents had one they used on me! It was rainbow colored and had a strap that went around my wrist. I can't remember if it stretched or not???

    PROLEASH! hehe

    1. I had a rainbow one as well! I didn't mind it as a child and think they're a great idea.

    2. As a single parent of 2 toddlers in the 80's, I was given 2 wrist leashes. They were rainbow colored straps connected by a red phone cord, which gave them room to play. They used to run down aisles laughing, but I had peace of mind knowing they were SAFE.

  2. Hi! Thanks so much for commenting on my post about the Letter Sacks. To answer your question, they are beanbags...only they are stuffed with rice!

  3. I have to say I was always a definite 'NO' but with an eighteen month old terrorising the supermarket and running off in every direction but yours I have to say I have definitely changed my tune!! If not from a safety point then your sanity!

    take care,

    Nina x

    ps. love the 'group' idea xx

  4. With a very quick little 15 month old I would have to say I am pro child leashes. I don't own one yet but am planning on making one. Generally I will let my son run around in a store as long as I can follow him around watching him, but for those times when I need him to stay close, and he's not at the point where he consistently listens to me, and I can't watch him every second, I do want one. My little brother had a tendency to just bolt, at a very young age, in airports and really crowded places where he could get lost in a second. They are somewhat needed when you can't just drop everything and go chasing after your child, like in airports. It gives them the freedom to walk safely, instead of being strapped into a stroller.

    (I found your post looking for a tute on how to make a toddler leash! Nice blog!)

  5. I am pro leash with exclusions. I think a toddler leash is great in large crowded places like the airport, Disney land, and the zoo. I wasn't sure about them at first but today my 2 year old changed my mond for good. At the library she ran out the doors (automatic doors) through a hall and out some more doors. All before I could even set my books down.
    We are traveling next week and I have been worried about the airport and today she made me decide that the leash is the way to go!

  6. Thank you so much it is a very good support, now to make a child leash is without a doubt easy by using your advice. Thanks

  7. I think they are good, especially if you have a toddler or runner. Lets them be "free" without worrying they will break away and run in front of a car. I'm making mine!! <3
