Did you know that Blackbeard was killed off of the Outer Banks in 1718? Argh!
We are home from the Outer Banks! And usually, as you head north to Ohio, the temperature doesn't increase. But holy smokes, as we crossed the bridge from West Virginia into Ohio, the little temperature thingie on the car said that it was 107 degrees.
*Beads of sweat rolling down our faces*
This heat is no fun. I can't imagine what our men and women are going through in Iraq and other hot places. I hear it's like 120 degrees there typically :(
Back to sewing. I found some really cute pirate jammie pants down in the OBX. At $11.99, they were a bit of a splurge, but I bought them anyway because I'm a sucker for anything with pirates on them. They had really cute pirate jammie tops too, but none in his size. And even if there were some in his size, I wasn't about to spend another $11.99 for the top. The way it is, I could have bought 12-24 pairs of thrifted PJs for that (and nice ones too, not the ratty I-would-never-dress-my-kid-in-this kind!).
I also saw a really cute appliqued lady's pirate tee down there, and I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting it. I found it online in kid sizes and pinned it:
Source: grays-sportswear.com via Jodie on Pinterest
I figured I could free-hand a pretty good pirate head from looking at this picture, and make an appliqued pirate PJ top to match the PJ bottoms I bought on vacation.
As I had already invested $12 in this outfit, I wasn't about to put another single penny into it. Using things I already had on hand, I created a pirate PJ shirt for my son :) The shirt itself was from my sister-in-law's heading-to-goodwill pile. I sewed down a plain black shirt of hers to fit a four year old. And then using red, white, and black t-shirt scraps and some fusible web from my stash, I made the pirate.
I looooooooove how it turned out!!! He, on the other hand, was not thrilled about it until I pointed out that the pants have little guns on them like HIS gun! His gun is a replica George Washington pistol :)

So cute! My Nephew would love it!